Thursday, December 2, 2010

Women are more Generous!

It's official, women give more. ( click here from FB) This is the conclusion of a recent report by "The Center on Philanthropy" at Indiana University. They studied the giving behaviour of single men and single women and reached this powerful conclusion. Why does it matter? Because it highlights" that women play a distinct and powerful role and philanthropy."
To download the full report click here.
This finding is deeply connected to my work with Women Moving Millions, an initiative to encourage million dollar gifts to organizations that support, promote and include women and girls. Why? Because for the first time in history women are starting to fund women and girls and this report highlights the growing power of women to give and drive social change and all income and wealth levels. Look for more, much more, on this initiative on PursePundit.
on the report...
- WSJ reports on the study.
- blog post from the Case Foundation on why it matters.
- CBS news on the report.
on Women Moving Millions
- press release from The Women's Funding Network
- NYTimes on WMM by Lisa Belkin

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